Sunday, October 31, 2010

Work:( German:)

....... what can I say?? I started work. Yes people, you read that right WORK.

After arriving here in June it became apparent to us that I had far too much time on my hands. I needed something to fill my time and the prospect of adding a little to our income would be a bonus. I had toyed with the idea of doing something different, waiting on, bar work etc but finding something without weekends in the contract was proving to be difficult. We both decided that I needed something casual, making it easier to be able to travel at will (also, I can only work 20hrs max per week due to our visa). So after a chat with one of Wolfie's placements they seemed happy to give me casual hours as scrub in theatre. After, what seemed like ages, my paper work was through and contracts agreed. On the 20th of September I started work, a day that I actually looked forward to.

I can't say much on here...but lets just say. I don't like it:( I am not going to dwell on it too much...when I am away from there I prefer not to let it share any valuable space in my mind. I have worked in a lot of different places and been in many different situations but this takes the biscuit. I have met a couple of nice people there so it isn't all bad....
I do however, want to take this opportunity to tell any old mates back home to appreciate RJAH. That place is home and the people make it what it is.

And finally, after many a conversation about doing it, I have started German classes. Admittedly it is only for "fun and travel" but it is a start - and I love it. There is appox 18 in the group, everyone is lovely and most of us already have reasonable Deutsch vocab' already... unfortunately I was too late for the German 1 class, which runs for a year. 

So how is it going??? Well, I think I am doing all right!  In class we have to have small conversation's...but there is only so much "How do I get to the train station" I am going to need. However, I am lucky to have an excellent teacher at home (boy is he strict), so I am getting copious amounts of homework and real conversations...all txt messages now arrive in German - thank god for Google translate!

During class my main problem is the pronunciation of new words, we are told to say them how we think, without being contradicted when wrong. I realise this is because it is for fun etc but I need to be told when I am wrong. Also, how the hell am I meant to understand a fellow class mate if they are getting it wrong... alas, I return home to have Herr Wagner pick me up on my faults.. 
Really though, I am enjoying it all very much and look forward to my Monday night lessons. When I return to the UK I will definitely enrol at college in the hope of becoming fluent..............(I have too) especially when Wolfie says he will be able to have little secrets with our children - we will see?

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