Monday, August 30, 2010


Last week had to be the worst week since moving here. I hit an all time low:( I am putting this mainly down to the worst weather (so I am told) on record in August. Gray horrible thunder, lightening, rain, hale and more hideous RAIN! Every day seemed and was never ending, bleakness (is that a word, who cares?). 
I don't think I actually felt homesick, more like missing my friends, family, missing my life. I was, I am a social animal and being confined to the house without the car and freezing did not help at all. Poor Wolfie, try as he might (and he did try) could not get me out of it - no friends (blub), no job, (sigh) and no me (aghhh).
I know I do NOT take my friends for granted but when you can't simply pick up the phone on a whim, or pop round for coffee, you realise just how much you rely on the network that has taken years to build. Rowena your emails where a blessing. I miss you girls:)

Positive, positive, positive!!!


  1. You were home sick Eve, it took me a while too, to realise that was what I was feeling. It happens for no reason at all, you just feel like crap.
    It gets better as time goes on, just hang on in there. You are having the best experiences there in Aussie, enjoy!!!!
    You can always ring me for a rant.

  2. Ah bless you Rach and thank you for your mails - I know you understand:) Our weekend in the Barossa was just what I needed. And you are right this is the chance of a lifetime - I will make the most of it! We are so looking forward to coming to see you - we will arrange it very soon:)

    Feeling so much better now:)

  3. Eve- keep positive positive positive- time is ticking- do not waste it.....LOVE YOU LOTS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
